Saturday, June 14, 2014


Greetings Everyone,

This week was a little slow from a work perspective, but I got to meet some more interesting people.  This is a much more mature crowd I’m working with this time around.  The interesting thing they are validating for me is that you can still enjoy life in your 50’s and 60’s.  I’m learning a tremendous amount from them and having a great time doing it.

I’m still adjusting to the heat in this environment.  I can’t shake the fact that this is only getting started.  It’s just going to get hotter as the summer goes on.  It’s always interesting watching the people who are from this environment or who have been here a long time.  The other day when I came out of the hotel to get a taxi, I saw a man running in a full out sprint down the street. 

I quickly looked behind him to see who was chasing him with a gun, because that is the only reason I would be running in this heat.  Even then I may have to negotiate the situation.  LOL.  My mouth was hung open watching this man run down the street.  I couldn’t imagine what was so important that he felt the need to run in 103 degree weather where you break a sweat just thinking of asserting yourself. SMH.

I have got to find something else to do with my hair.  Even though I spend time in the morning curling and primping my hair, by the time I get to the office, there aren’t many curls left. The strange thing is I don’t spend much time outside.  I’m talking about the time it takes to get from the hotel to the taxi and from the taxi to the office. Unbelievable!

Yesterday there was a temporary freeze and the temperature only went to 97 degrees.  One of my  WTF! I’m telling you, you can barely breath standing still because it’s so humid.  I admire fit people until they do stuff like that. LOL.
colleagues actually went for a run.

I’ve been going back and forth about whether I will stay in my current housing because it is close to work, its brand new and it has a fabulous gym. But, it is far from everything so when people come to visit, it will be a challenge getting back and forth.  My apartment is also right next to a mosque and the call to prayer is killing me.  I am all for anyone getting their worship on, but last night I finally heard the one that comes in the middle of the night.  So, now I have to make a choice.  Where will I live? 

I thought briefly about living in an area called Jumeriah, but after seeing it for myself, I realized it is far too trendy and busy.  I’ve also been told that the Downtown and Business Bay areas are good places to live.  They are both close to the main highways, which will get me to work quickly while keeping me close to all of the conveniences and most importantly, STARBUCKS!

It has also become clear that I will have to drive myself in Dubai.  The traffic here is a little crazy, but I think it is along the lines of New York City.  What makes it worse are the traffic patterns.  They have some roads where when you sit at the red light, cars are coming directly at you.  When the light changes, you are using the same road where cars were coming towards you.  SMH.  It’s a little frightening the first time you see it.

I ventured to one of the malls this week (Deira City Center Mall).  The mistake I made was going to Friday.  What I learned is that Friday is the day everyone goes to the mosque and then afterwards they go out.  To my dismay, the Deira City Center Mall seemed to have been there destination.  There were so many people there that I couldn’t hear myself think.  I did, however, zero in on Starbucks.  It would be my first taste since I’ve been here.  It took my stress level down a notch. 

It was good to see familiar names in the mall like, Baskin Robbins, Hallmark, MAC, Gap, and Sephora, but I can’t wait to do some shopping of more traditional items.  All of the American products are far too expensive here.  I can shop for those at home. 

Well folks, I’ve completed another week in Dubai. I continue to adjust, but I’m committed.  Let’s see how things progress next week.  See you then.

Still Adjusting,

Della Rochelle
Copyright © 2014 by Della R. Williams


  1. I am so proud of you for having a career that takes you places. I am commenting and following your blog for a special reason. I am the owner and CEO of DonNaturaL's AllBodyButter and I have always said, " I know I have made it when I am able to travel to Dubai. I will meet you there SOON and we can do lunch. Please post plenty of pictures.

  2. Thank you. Congratulations on your business. See you when you get here.!
